Happy Thanksgiving!!!! This year the Kragel family has sooooo many things to be thankful for. It's hard to imagine that last Thanksgiving we did not even know our son. We were praying for God to bring us a child but had our doubts about China. We became impatient with God's timing and started looking into a domestic adoption. We felt lost, confused but still hopeful that God hadn't forgotten about us.
Now one year later we have an amazing son. We are thankful that God made us wait for him. Now looking back it, we can hardly remember what life was like without Zachary. God has brought us so much joy, love, and laughter through Zachary. He blesses us everyday!
We are CERTAIN that God had his hand of protection over Zachary during his recovery from his lip surgery. As mentioned in the last blog post, Zach pulled off the super glue and a few stitches 10 days after surgery when he wiggled out of his arm restraint. No damage was done. Now this week our boy who doesn't like to sit still did a nose dive into the wall in his bedroom. He learned what ouch meant that day (Monday). Sure enough he hit his nose and lip. The lip swelled up quite a bit and the nose bled. We called Iowa City and they said that everything should be healed from the surgery so not to worry. Today he looks a bit bruised from that fall but we don't think any damage was done. Praise God for that one!
So on this Thanksgiving weekend, we pray that you would take time to recognize your blessings even if you are lost and frustrated as we were last year. God is an amazing God and his timing is always for a reason.
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