Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Smiles are Back

Each day Zachary gets a little more energy and a little more anxious to run, run, run. He has accepted his new diet and the arm cuffs, so he's much more content now. Mom is making considerable efforts to keep Zachary sleeping on his back. She goes into his room throughout the night to check in and turn him over when needed.
It's so nice to see Zachary smiling & laughing again. His eyes look much better too--the swelling is gone and the sparkle is back. He's turned into a big boy all of a sudden!

The rest of the herd is off camera eating their cup lunches, "just like Zachary."

Can't wait to put those arm cuffs in the garbage and run and wrestle! We go back to Iowa City on Monday to get the bolsters out of the nose and maybe stitches out of the lip. We probably still have 2 more weeks left of the arm restraints. Not sure how long this diet has to continue; we will know more on Monday.


Anonymous said...

O my god Nancy and Lonnie he looks soo good!! I can't wait to see him in person!! Hope you guys have a great weekend!! He looks AWESOME!! Glad he is feeling better and that he is smiling!! Love you guys!! Can't wait to hear how Iowa City goes on Monday!

Amber, Ryan and Carterbug

Freeman Family said...

I can't believe how different he looks! WOW! He looks so good! I can't even imagine what a challenge it has been to keep him calm and safe! Way to go mom and dad! Good luck Monday!