Here are a couple of shots of Zachary the day after his surgery. The green arm cuffs are designed so he can't bend his arms and touch his stitches or bolsters. The bolsters are the three things you see on the top of his nose. They hold the shape of his nose while it heals.
Thank you for all your prayers. We are confident Zachary has been pretty comfortable throughout, i.e. low or no pain. Although he has had to accept a liquid crackers; drat.
If you're wondering how he's doing now, Mamma put him down for a nap today and went downstairs and listened in on the monitor. Within a few minutes she could here him jumping on his bed. So she went back up to get him settled down to sleep.
We are being extremely cautious with his stitches, as we were warned during the thumb sucking meeting that if the stitches separate, we will have quite a mess. So we're trying to do calm things as much as possible; movies, books, stroller rides, etc. and not let him do much moving around without a hand on him. No face plants allowed!
We have a follow up appointment on Nov 16 to have the bolsters removed. The arm cuffs stay on for three weeks. So we have a ways to go, but it's good to have a goal.
Let's hope we don't have to puree the turkey on Thanksgiving!
Oh...he is a brave little boy! We continue to pray for his recovery and understand how hard it is to keep 2 year olds playing "calm" activities!
We think of you often, your family is in our prayers daily as little Zac recovers from his surgery. Couple of weeks down the road things will be much easier. Love all of your photos.
God bless
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