Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thought we'd show you what we've been up to the last several weeks.....

We re-finalized Zachary's adoption. This is something our agency recommends, although the adoption was final in China. This way we have a local paper trail if ever needed.

Zachary got cousin Collin's old swing set. Uncle Tim and Daddy put it together last weekend. Zachary loves it! He especially likes the glider and asks for "more" and "higher" every time!
Cousin Collin will have to come and play on the swing set when he's in town. I think he had fun playing on it with Zachary--he may miss it!

Daddy and Zachary had fun while Momma was at work. He's had this pirate costume for 6 months and was always scared to wear it. Not any more!
Doesn't he look like he's 5 yrs old here?????!!!!!
Zachary's first pony ride at the circus a few weeks ago. He's still talkin about it.
We've been to the zoo a lot lately. This day we went with our good friends Brahm and Heather. Zach is always looking for the elephants; this is the only one we could find at our zoo!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Congratulations on your refinalization!!!