Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gotcha Day

It was one year ago today that we got to meet, hold, hug and kiss our son for the first time. In some ways it seems like Zachary has been with us for years. In other ways it seems like this past year has flown by. So much has happened over the last 365 days. It's amazing to sit back and think about all we have done and experienced. Here are just a few things:
  • we finalized Zachary's adoption in China
  • we flew home from China with our baby boy--no complications with the flights despite the H1N1 going around
  • Zachary adjusted to his new family, food, home, toys, etc without any difficulties
  • Zachary was able to stop sucking his thumb so he could undergo his cleft lip surgery
  • one of the best surgeons in the country repaired Zachary's cleft lip in November; it looks amazing
  • as a family, we have made so many memories of "firsts"--playing in the snow & sledding; swimming; walking in grass; eating ice cream; riding a horsey; swinging at playgrounds; enjoying underdogs; hiking in the woods on Daddy's back; fingerpainting; smashing bugs; throwing rocks in the water
  • Zachary's cleft palate was repaired 6 weeks ago; it continues to heal & Zachary was able to start eating with a spoon today!!!
We could go on and on with this list. The most amazing thing to see as we look back over this past year is how God has had his hand on us long before we were a family. He hand picked our son for us, watched over him in China, and has continued to watch over us, guide us and protect us over the past year.

1 comment:

Freeman Family said...

Congrats! What an amazing year for your family! I love the change in Zach's demeanor in the first 2 pictures, shy and uncertain to smiling and knowing these are his parents! I can't wait to see what God has planned for your future!