Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sticks & Mittens

All a boy needs is some sand to play in (or eat) and a stick! Taken at the Ledges on Labor Day.

Look--Zach found a bigger stick at Saylorville!

Dad showin' Zachary how to throw rocks into the lake. He was content doing that for an hour!

If you haven't heard, Zach's lip surgery has been rescheduled. It is now November 3rd. We went up last Thursday for our pre op appointment. The surgeon recommended we help Zach stop thumb sucking or we'll "have a big mess on our hands" after surgery. The thumb sucking would likely pull out all the stitches, requiring yet another surgery to fix it. Although mom and dad were frustrated by yet another schedule change and for not being told this information in July, it will all work out for good. This way Zachary can enjoy all the fun outdoor fall activities without worrying about having to try to sit still and heal. Daddy said it well the other day--keep in mind that the cleft lip and palate are what God used to bring Zach into our family; God tugged at our heart to be open to a child with a cleft lip/palate and he brought us an amazing son! Remembering that helps us be thankful and patient with all the schedule changes and thumb sucking challenges! Currently we are using mittens at nap time/bedtime and Tabasco sauce during the day to rid this habit. We know that God is helping out big time as Zach is not grumpy by all this. In fact he gladly accepts the mittens as part of his night time routine!

1 comment:

Amy D said...

We had so much fun with you and Zach yesterday! He is such a sweet little boy. We'll keep praying about the thumb sucking. Sounds like God's already got control! Glad the mittens are working!