Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Countdown

Mom and Zach wrestling in the grass at Jester Park.

Dad & Zach being goofy.

Hiking with Dad at Jester Park after the Pelican Festival.

Givin' Momma another big wet smooch!

Zachary continues to explore his world. His latest favorites are turning lights on/off, pointing out trucks on the road or airplanes flying by, snuggling with his Teddy Bears, singing the spider song, and opening/closing doors. His joy and laughter are such gifts!

Surgery got moved again. It is now set for the day after Labor Day. Six days and counting. We still go up tomorrow for his pre op appt where we will find out more details about the surgery.


Anonymous said...

The Drefkes are praying for you guys!

Freeman Family said...

Good luck tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you! Thanks for the play date last week!