Stopped for water break in the park. It doesn't appear as though Mason knows how to drink from a sippy cup, so we've had to do some experimenting. At breakfast this morning we figured out that he can feed himself from a bottle. And we bought a little water bottle for him to use on the road. So we're finally getting some fluid in him!
is the big progress for the day. Remember the playground he wouldn't go
near? He went down the slide about 10 times today. After watching some
of the other kids play on the playground, he decided it might be worth a
try. Got a few smiles on the slide and dad got to pick him up and put
him on the slide.
After all of that sliding, we needed a Cheerios break. Much to our surprise, Mason decided to share his Cheerios with dad--by putting them directly into his mouth! Nevermind that a few of them had already been in Mason's mouth first.
We Skyped with Zach and grandpa and grandma this morning. Zach is doing great and having a lot of fun on his own adventure while we are in China. He had some really great questions about what we were eating and doing every day and if Mason could tell him some Chinese words. I'm sure he could, but none of us would know it.
So encouraging to see the resiliency and tenacity in our our little family.
Yay!!!! sounds like a great time at the park! Mason will be an old pro by the time you are home. So happy Zach is having fun too. Amazing how God provides. How is he sleeping, by the way?
Wow! A miraculous day! So sweet. He's adorable--and I love the pics of him bonding with Daddy.
You're such a wonderful family! So happy for you all.
i am loving seeing the progress you guys and Mason are making. Been praying for you on my morning walks. :) Thanks for taking us along on your adventure! ~jeanie
I can picture Zak answering all kinds of questions that Mason has! Everything you have taught Zak - like what is bowling? It's going to take some time to get to know you, but Mason will come around.
Such a beautiful story is forming already! Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
Happy to hear Zach is doing well, Brahm has been wondering how he is getting along.
Wishing you all well!
-Jeff, Heather, Brahm and Hudson
I think that once Mason sees how over the moon his big brother is for Daddy - that will be all she wrote! Did he have all female caretakers? I'm assuming he did. But it already looks like strides are already being made!
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