Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9, 2012--Mason's Day

Finally, the day we've been waiting for. Our minds raced with questions as we walked toward the Civil Affairs building with our guide, Joyce.

Many families had already received their child before we arrived. We got word that Mason was already there. Then I saw him walk out with the orphanage director. We walked toward him, but he didn't move. He resisted only a few seconds while Momma scooped him up. After just a few minutes he starting making consistent eye contact with Momma & Daddy.
Then we got out the Cheerios. He patiently took out just one piece at a time.
He held tightly onto his black car and package of cookies (both given to him from the orphanage) as he ate his Cheerios and played with toys that we brought. He kept a hold of those two items for hours--even when we got back to the hotel.
He was content sitting on our lap and checking out his surroundings.
At supper time, he preferred his cookie over the pizza we ordered;) He wasn't too fond of bath time, but we made it super fast and now he smells baby sweet! And bedtime---let's just say that he wasn't so fond of the crib. He is now fast asleep in the chair next to the crib.
What a busy day for Mr Mason. He sure was strong and courageous. Thanks for your prayers. Tomorrow will be another one full of "firsts".

And to our Zachary: mom & dad love you, stinky face. Can't wait to see you so we can tickle your collar bone!


Football and Fried Rice said...

Oh, I could get lost staring into his sweet, sad eyes!!!! I'm so glad he is making eye contact!! It breaks my heart that he is clutching to what he came with - but I also rejoice that he feel like he still has something that's "his".

Happy Mason Day!

His Love Endures Forever!!!!

jenny said...

What a sweetheart! We said he looks so calm and Michael said "I'll bet Zach can get him all crazy!" Congratulations on your beautiful boy, We are all so happy for all of you!
So happy he has a mama and baba tonite.
Many blessings,


Kristi said...

So happy to see Mason finally in your arms! We will be thinking of you in the coming days as you all get to know each other better and can't wait to see updates!

Congratulations!!! :)

Lisa A : Izabella said...

Nancy! What a blessing of a day!
OH MY--He's absolutely precious--and you are GLOWING like a NEW mom! Radiant! So very happy for you!

He has that "shock and awe" look on his face. So similar to our Izabella. Clearly he can sense you're LOVE and that you can be trusted. But his little heart still misses what is hard on him and YOU! I wish there was a way around this feeling for these kiddos. I'm sure you feel the same.

Thinking of you and praying for comfort to him and you as you traverse the un-charted days ahead. :)

Love and God Bless--
