We got away for a weekend of fun a few weeks ago. Zachary was excited when he found out he got to go swimming. He continues to get even more daring in the water. Now he will jump off the side to Daddy, putting his entire body down in the water and floating up whenever he wants. He has also started to swim with his head under water, with help from Daddy. We are hoping to get him into another swim lesson class in May.

Think he's milking the cow? Not quite. He thought it would be more fun to put grocery items in and out of the bucket under the cow!

The children's museum we went to had an old fire truck. Zach had fun dressing up like the fire fighter and driving the truck.

Seems like Zachary turns everything into a game these days. "Game" is his favorite word as of late. Not only does he play games like Twister but also games such as putting his orange peel in and out of a napkin, taking turns blowing bubbles, and making a snowman out of his banana. He thinks all of these activities are games:) He did get to watch a real game last weekend--UNI basketball. Momma taught him to cheer "UNI". He's got that one down now!
Music continues to be a source of joy for Zachary. We often hear him singing "Twinkle Twinkle" or the "ABC song". He's starting to tell us when he doesn't like something we are singing--he shakes his head "no" while saying "like". It's cute now.....
Otherwise things have been pretty quiet this week. We are all trying to stay healthy in preparation for Zachary's next surgery on April 6. Dr Canady will repair Zachary's cleft palate. We have been talking about the doctor fixing the hole in the top of his mouth--trying to prepare him for simple understanding of the upcoming surgery.
Hard to believe that Easter is just next weekend. We pray that each of you will take time to reflect on the significance of this holiday. Remember Jesus died for YOU.
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