Friday, June 19, 2009


We went to cousin Kyle's baseball game this week. Zachary wasn't too impressed by the game, but he loved walking around with aunt Linda, looking at the flowers. She event taught him to say "flower"! Other favorite words of late include hi, bye, oh boy, look, hey. We continue to teach words with sign language, which he is picking up quickly. "More", "eat", "please" and "all done" are signed frequently. Zachary's comprehension of English improves daily as well.

Zachary likes to watch Bandit when he comes out to investigate. He does not like it when Bandit sits near his toys. He must think that Bandito is going to steal some of his favorite toys!

Attached are some photos of Zachary playing with cousins Collin & Rebecca. They are thrilled to have an addition to the family. Now they are no longer the youngest! Zach is excited to meet more cousins in the upcoming weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CUTE HAT! Looks like Zach's big cousins have a blast with him! I got to spend the weekend with my niece Olivia, I wish they lived closer as they change SO FAST, she will be 2 at the end of July, so I compare her a lot to Zach and how BUSY you must be...I had forgotten how they like to keep you on your toes at that age!

Miss you-Steph