Monday, May 4, 2009

Still Goin' To China!

We are happy to report that China is still allowing families to fly in and out of China, despite what's been going on with the swine flu. We are planning to go as scheduled on May 14! Thanks to all of you for your prayers. We have attached a photo from a prayer wall at our church (Lutheran Church of Hope-NorthBranch). Folks came to pray for the church and the world all week long during Holy week--24/7 for a week. This photo shows all the prayers of thanksgiving that were lifted up for Zachary! 

1 comment:

Mandy Mortenson said...

Yay! I'm so happy everything is moving ahead as planned! Work isn't the same without you, but Zachary is MUCH more important and exciting! You make such a cute little mommy! I can't wait to meet him...and take him to the zoo!!!!! Have a safe trip! Don't worry about your peeps..I got it covered!