Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy New Year! Happy 2013! So much happened in 2012, it's hard to believe. A year ago at this time we had never even met our Mason. We wondered what he would be like. Would he be quiet or a shatter box? What would he think of us? What would he think of Zachary? How would Zachary adjust? When would we get to finally hold him? We had so many questions. We kept on trusting that our Lord would take care of the details, and he did! Now, just 9 months later, we know what our Mason is like. We know that Zach would not love his brother at first, but he would grow into it. We know that Mason would not love us at first, but he too would grow into it. We know that God hand picked our family and gave us the patience we needed to wait and work through all the adjustment and attachment concerns.

2012 was a year of many firsts for Mason. First time eating any food besides congee, eggs or apples. First time in a train or plane. First time swimming. First time sledding. First birthday party, although he just turned 3. First Christmas. First and only forever family.

I've attached photos of some of Mason's recent firsts. Check it out:
 Zach has been soaking up all the fun that comes this time of year. He's been in heaven with all of this snow! He also enjoyed counting down the days til Christmas on 3 calendars! Legos and spiderman were a big hit this Christmas!

Hope you all not only took time to spend with family & friends this Christmas, but also took time to celebrate the real meaning of Christmas. It's not all about the gifts. Well, I guess it's about ONE GIFT. The gift of Jesus. God sent Jesus onto this earth so that we might be saved. I'm praying that each one of you have opened and taken this gift in.

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