Monday, September 26, 2011

Prayer request, please

As you read in the prior post, our dossier is on its way to DC to be authenticated through the Chinese Embassy. We just got word from our agency today that some families' documents are being denied at the Embassy because they are older than 6 months. Some of our documents are, indeed, older than 6 months. We ask that you'd pray specifically for all of our documents to be authenticated at the Embassy without any issues this week. It wouldn't be the end of the world if something didn't get through--we'd just have to re-do those particular papers and re-send them. However doing that would just delay our getting Mason even longer. We'd love for everything to go through smoothly so we can get on with this and get our son home as soon as possible.

Thank you!

1 comment:

Tatum said...

Oh NANCY, I just want to squeeze you & tell you how excited I am! good for your family! I wish we could have another one for Lexy, but it is what it is! God's way, for some reason :O

Take care, i can't wait to read all your posting's! Love you guys! Tatum