Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Hope you took some time to reflect upon the true meaning of Easter. Zachary has been learning about Easter here at home, as well as at church. A friend recommended making "Resurrection Rolls" so we gave that a try last week. The process involved wrapping a marshmallow (Jesus) in a crescent roll, then putting him in the tomb (cooking it in the oven). After pretending that he's been in there for 3 days, we took it out to cool. Zachary announced when he opened up his roll that "Jesus melted!" Although this was not quite the intended lesson, I am hoping that Zachary learned a bit of the messy truth about Easter: Jesus is still alive!

Here are a few of our Easter photos from 2011. Enjoy!

Jester Park egg hunting with Dad

Hiking with mom & dad at Jester on Easter

Easter Egg Hunt with the neighborhood kiddos

Zach was the winner of an Easter coloring contest at Dahl's. He won this basket & a ham!

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