Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Home from Surgery

Just a quick note to say that we're home from Ia City. Surgery went very well--only 2 hrs instead of 3.5. They ended up putting tubes in the ears too in order to prevent ear infections while he's healing. They did some work on his nose too. He looks pretty different. He's been a trooper through it all. He has to wear arm splints at all times in order to keep his hands and toys away from the face while everything heals. Getting the boy dressed and keeping his hands out of his face is a challenge. Also right now we aren't letting him walk on his own, as we don't want him to fall and do a face plant. He's on a "cup diet" which means he can only drink his food. That's been interesting! He's a bit picky on what pureed liquid foods he will drink. Plus he's not too hip on the medicine so we are having to find foods to put it in and hope he can't taste it!
Of interest, his favorite word right now is "no". He says it very clearly! Before surgery he really didn't say no very often and really couldn't pronounce it well. That's changed;)

Thanks everyone for your prayers. Keep em comin'.


Freeman Family said...

Oh I am so glad to hear Zach's surgery went well! What a trooper! I bet him saying "no" is music to your ears! :) I am praying for Zach for a speedy recovery and for mom and dad for strength and patience with him while he heals! Post pictures of him when you get a chance!

Anonymous said...

Zach looks AMAZING! WOW what a difference a few weeks make! So glad he is free of he restraints. Did he pig out once you got the OK to take him off the liquid diet? The kids have been asking about him, so I will share these photos with them. They can't wait for our play date come January! Love you all, Steph