Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Paper Chase II

Late this fall we started to notice that the wait for China might be a bit longer than expected. China's process is all based on your Log In Date (LID). That is the day your paperwork is added to the pile. Our log in date is 3/28/07. Right now people with log in dates from 12/27/05 are just getting their babies. Yikes.

Currently, China is completing 6 days of referrals per month. So, for example, in January they referred children to families with log in dates between 12/19/05 and 12/27/05; an 8 day batch.

If we use 6 days/per month, we're looking at another five years from now before we get a referral. All that is to say we have been looking for something to do in the meantime!

We consulted with a number of people, prayed a lot, did a gut check, and eventually decided to ask our agency for permission to do a domestic adoption while we wait on China (in our contract it states we cannot bring another child into our home until we've completed our adoption with Holt--which is common).

On January 21st we received permission. So, we begin again. Our dossier will stay in line in China while we pursue a domestic adoption.

Who knew what was waiting for us down this road when we started out in Nov '06. Who knows what's waiting for us now. Or a better question might be, "who" is waiting for us now?

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