Summer has come and almost gone since our last post. Thought we'd get you all up-to-date with what we've been doing all summer long:
We try to find as much time as possible to play with the cousins. Zach loves hanging out with Rebecca, tagging along with whatever she's up to. He also loves trying to boss Carter around. Don't worry--Carter gives it right back! They are like 2 peas in a pod!
Uncle Darrel had fun showing Zach around the farm. Next time we'll have to stay longer.

Aunt Linda invited us up to help freeze corn. Zachary was a huge help! He husked & washed the corn......anything to play in the water at the sink!

Zachary also got to spend some time at Grandma & Grandpa Kragel's over the summer. It's all fun & games........

........and tractor rides!

Happy 4th Birthday, Zachary!!!!!!!!!!!! We got to celebrate with lots of family and friends--what a blessing!

More cake & ice cream.......

Frosting is Z's favorite part of the cake!
Zach decided he wanted his first ever "friends" birthday party. He chose to go to the waterpark at the Ramada Hotel in Des Moines. He chose 2 good buddies, Brahm & Tyler, to swim with him. He had a blast!

We've also gotten the chance to just hang out at home and play. Papa Ron came to play games and color one day, which was a nice surprise.

We checked out the High-Trestle Bridge on Daddy's birthday. Zach rode his bike one mile to get there. What a trooper!

Summer also means lots of time in the water--the pool, the beach, or the sprinkler. Thank goodness Zachary's good friend Ethan likes the water, too.

Cousins Sam & Raquel are growing up so fast. Zach likes to watch them sing, dance, and just be goofy. Zach says that when he gets bigger, he's gonna be a dancer! Watch out swing choir, here we come!

Of course we've spent time fishing with Grandma Karen. Zachary seems to always catch several fish each time we go fishin'!

Grandpa Al even let Z-man drive the boat!

For months Zach has asked to go to a "carnival". We broke down and took him to Adventureland. He LOVED it. Back at home he studies the Adventureland map, remembering each ride that he went on, and planning our next visit!

We have been blessed with so many great friends and family members. Thanks for sharing time with us this summer. What fun memories we have made! Stay tuned for upcoming posts with pictures from the State Fair & Z's first day of preschool!!!!!!!!