We have managed to find some fun things to do despite all the rain we have been getting lately. A few days ago we got to see George at the bookstore. Zachary is getting past the Elmo stage (thank goodness) and has started to like George even more, along with Thomas the Train. He was very excited to see Curious George and even sat to listen to the story. When George had to leave because "he was getting tired" Zachary immediately said that George is going to go have some applesauce---this is always Zachary's request before nap or bedtime!
We spent the 4th of July weekend at Grandma Karen's. Collin and Zachary got the fun job of cleaning all the veggies that they picked in the garden.
Zachary's first experience picking vegetables from the garden. He had a good eye for finding the green beans and peas. He was shocked to see where potatoes and carrots came from!
We had a day of good weather on Saturday for fishing and roasting marshmellows. He wanted to make sure we all got nice & sticky!
This was Zachary's first time fishing. He even got 2 fish--just needed some help reeling them in. Uncle Tim tried to get him to kiss the fish but he didn't want anything to do with that!
After fishing we checked out the new miniature train at Missouri Valley. I think Zachary enjoyed it a bit more than Collin! It was the longest train ride ever. And for only 2 bucks!!! He has been practicing his wave these days, can you tell?
Our good friend Tammy found this book at a garage sale. I think we read it at least 3 times a day. This day Zachary read it to Mouse, then rocked him to sleep.
On Father's Day we headed out to Big Creek for boating. We thought we'd start small with a paddle boat although Zach was requesting a "BIG" one.
Hope you are all having a great summer!