Adoption is right out of the bible:
So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children.
At the beginning of this journey, we were very excited by what we believed God was calling us into. Over the course of time however, the wait has been a numbing, grinding experience. Not only have we doubted the course(s) we've taken, but at times have given up hope.
Through it all, we are reminded that God adopts us not because we are perfect or because we've earned it or because we're spiritual enough or because we stayed faithful when things were looking impossible, but just because. In Greek it's called Agape (a-Gop-ay). It's what we would call unconditional love. We are simply chosen. If this doesn't kill the myth that love is a feeling, then nothing will. Love is an act of will, it's intentional, it's a choice.
Over the past month or so it seems like everywhere we turn we are hearing something about faith--maybe because we needed it. At church, in the devos we read daily, through friends, etc. faith, faith, faith. Nancy took the week off last week thanks to some comp time and painted a "kids room".

Painting the room was an act of faith unto itself. I mean come on, we have a green and purple room in our house. Lime and grape. It's turned into an act of defiance toward anything that might pull our hearts away from this mission.
At the end of the day, what God is doing in us while we wait is as important as what we're waiting for and we wouldn't trade it for anything.
We're not sure what kid will occupy the lime and grape room; boy or girl, infant or toddler, blonde or black hair, but they will know they have been adopted--chosen.
And we are looking forward to it.